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Little Willow

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Booklist: Ramona Readalikes

If you love the misadventures of Ramona Quimby, you'll love these contemporary releases as well. With plenty of laughs and just enough drama, these series feature sassy young girls who like to take charge of things. I have listed the titles alphabetically by author.

Zibby Payne series by Alison Bell
#1 Zibby Payne and the Wonderful, Terrible Tomboy Experiment
#2 Zibby Payne and the Drama Trauma
#3 Zibby Payne and the Party Problem
#4 Zibby Payne and the Trio Trouble
#5 Zibby Payne & the Red Carpet Revolt

Clarice Bean series by Lauren Child
- Utterly Me, Clarice Bean
- Clarice Bean Spells Trouble
- Clarice Bean, Don't Look Now

Abigail Iris: The One and Only by Lisa Glatt and Suzanne Greenberg, illustrated by Joy Allen

Violet Raines Almost Got Struck by Lightning by Danette Haworth

Lucy Rose series by Katy Kelly
- Lucy Rose: Here's the Thing About Me (illustrated by Adam Rex)
- Lucy Rose: Busy Like You Can't Believe (illustrated by Adam Rex)
- Lucy Rose: Big on Plans (illustrated by Adam Rex)
- Lucy Rose: Working Myself to Pieces and Bits (illustrated by Peter Ferguson)

Judy Moody series by Megan McDonald, illustrated by Peter Reynolds
- Judy Moody
- Judy Moody Gets Famous
- Judy Moody Saves the World!
- Judy Moody Predicts the Future
- Judy Moody, M.D.: The Doctor is In!
- Judy Moody Declares Independence
- Judy Moody Around the World in 8 1/2 Days
- Judy Moody & Stink: The Holly Joliday
- Judy Moody Goes to College
- Judy Moody: Girl Detective
- Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm

Judy's little brother Stink has his own series.

Autumn Winifred Oliver Does Things Different by Kristin O'Donnell Tubb

Clementine series by Sara Pennypacker
- Clementine
- The Talented Clementine
- Clementine's Letter

Stella Batts series by Courtney Sheinmel, illustrated by Jennifer A. Bell
#1 Stella Batts Needs a New Name
#2 Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
#3 Pardon Me
#4 A Case of the Meanies

Samantha Hansen Has Rocks in Her Head by Nancy Viau

Emma series by Sally Warner
- Only Emma
- Not-So-Weird Emma
- Super Emma
- Best Friend Emma

Related Booklist: Funny Fiction for Kids

Crafty Blogger: Ramona fans must check out this adorable reversible bracelet made by Bookshelves of Doom.
Tags: booklists, books, reviews, series

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