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Serial Interview: Christopher Golden

Good morning, everyone! It's Monday, and you know what that means: It's time to pick Christopher Golden's brain.

Let's play favorites!

Favorite food:

My wife is an amazing cook, so I'm very fortunate. Aside from Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream, most of my favorite foods are things that she makes. I love the food in New Orleans as well, but I haven't been there in far too long.

Favorite color:

Sadly, generically, I have to go with blue. Sky blue, ocean blue, all of it.

Favorite flower:


Favorite classic author(s):

I could be cheeky and ask you to define classic, but I won't. I love Jack London, as you know, and of course Stoker, Shelley, and Poe. I'm torn on Dickens. Some of it I think is interminably boring, but then there are things like A Tale of Two Cities, which I love.

Favorite contemporary author(s):

Far too many to name, but I can list a few. My favorite mainstream writer is John Irving, hands down. Out of genre (though it's a subgenre all its own, I think), I love Poppy Z. Brite's G-Man and Rickey books set in the New Orleans restaurant scene. In mystery: James Lee Burke, Dennis Lehane, Walter Mosley, Ken Bruen, Don Winslow, Carol O'Connell, early James Ellroy, and Joe Lansdale. In fantasy, Charles de Lint, Neil Gaiman, Robert Holdstock, Tim Powers, and Tolkien, of course, if you count him as contemporary. In horror, Stephen King, Clive Barker, Peter Straub, Graham Joyce, Mike Carey, Joe Hill, and, again, Joe Lansdale.

Learn more about the benefit honoring Gene Colan, one of Golden's favorite comic book writers and artists.

Catch up on the previous parts of the serial interview with Christopher Golden.

Browse through the many Christopher Golden-related posts at Bildungsroman.

If you're an author, I'd love for you to contribute to my forthcoming Author Picks column. Simply click here and leave a comment listing your favorite authors.

Tags: books, christopher golden, interviews

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